PlayStation Move Sells 4.1 Million Worldwide

While Microsoft may have the momentum on their side, Sony is definitely not showing any signs of stepping out of the motion-based gaming market any time soon. Especially with the number of PlayStation Move units the company sold since its release, back in September. While Microsoft's Kinect's numbers may be impressive, Sony's are, too.


However, unlike those initial sales figures we saw back in the middle of October, which just focused on Europe and the United States, these new numbers from Sony are on the global side. It factors in the number of Move units sold worldwide, and it looks like Sony is satisfied with the results. According to the company, they managed to move 4.1 million units. That boils down to just under one Move unit sold for every PlayStation 3 console out there.

With numbers like this, and seeing just as much strength from Kinect's sales figues, it wouldn't be a surprise to hear that game developers will now take the leap into motion gaming, and start cranking out titles.

[via Kotaku]

