PhotoFast Debuts I-FlashDrive For iPhone
If you are looking for an easy way to transfer files like video, music, and others from your iPhone or iPad to your computer PhotoFast has unveiled the new i-FlashDrive that will do just that. The i-FlashDrive can also be used to transfer files between supported iOS devices without needing a computer nearby. The device can also be used as a normal PC flash drive with a USB port on one end.
The flash drive has an Apple sync connector on one side that can plug right into any iOS device that can be used as mass storage. That includes the 4G iPod touch, 3G iPod touch, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, and the iPad. The i-FlashDrive is offered in 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB capacity and price varies based on the capacity you choose. Pricing is NT$2,850 for 8GB, NT$3,450 for 16GB, or NT$5,550 for 32GB.
The flash drive will work with Mac and PC computers and a free app is available for download that is needed for transferring the files to and from your iOS device to the i-FlashDrive. The flash drive measures 50 x 20 x 92mm and weighs x86. It will work with iOS 4.2 and higher devices. You can pre-order any of the capacity drives right now and they will ship in early July.