Philips Outs New Home Theater Gear At CES

Philips is on hand at CES and it has unveiled a new line of HD gear that geek will get excited about. The new gear includes the 4000, 5000, and 6000 series LCD HDTVs, a number of Blu-ray players, and other home theater gear. The 4000 series of LED backlit HDTVs are offered in 40", 46", and 55" screens with MediaConnect and NetTV for steaming wireless content to the big screen from the web. The sets will ship in May at $749 to $1499. Smaller screen versions at 22" and 32" will ship this month for $249.99 and $449.99.


The 5000 series LED backlit sets have 40", 46", and 55" sets with the same basic specs of the 4000 line but they add in a Pixel Precise HD engine and 120Hz refresh rate. The sets will be in the April/May time frame at up to $1099. The 6000 series have similar specs to the other two new TV lines, but they are all 3D ready. Screens will be in the 40", 46", and 55" range at up to $1699 with the high-end version having Netflix access and more.

Philips also has five new home theater systems with three of those new offerings supporting 3D. Some of the higher-end sets have wireless rear channel speakers and they all have Blu-ray with prices from $269.99 to $449.99. If all you really want is a new Blu-ray player Philips has five to offer starting at $169.99 and going up to the high-end $129.99 price point with support for 3D video in all. The most expensive model gets MediaConnet and NetTV as well.


Via Engadget

