PETEC printed electronics facility kick-starts UK production

Printed electronics may soon bear the legend "Made in UK" if PETEC (the Printable Electronics Technology Center) has its way.  Formed from a group of printable and plastic electronics experts, together with manufacturing facilities, PETEC is offering companies a route to quickly bring products to market without first needing to invest in expensive infrastructure.  One company already involved, PolyPhotonix, is looking to commercially produce OLED lighting.


Currently with twenty employees, and looking to expand that number to 40 by 2011, PETEC has a TFT backplane line, formulation lab and a 600m2 class 1,000 clean room.  Meanwhile a second site has a flexible electronics substate facility, which has already been responsible for producing flexible solar panels and TFT displays.

Potential commercial ranges include flexible displays, whether AMOLED, flexible LCD or e-paper, together with photovoltaic cells for power, OLED lighting technology and active sensors including touch-controls with printed or coated electronics.  More at the PETEC site.

[via OLED-Info]

