Paramount And DreamWorks Finalized HD-DVD Releases

Yes, the exciting Format War was over, but DreamWorks has awkward agreement trapped in HD-DVD contract. DreamWorks Chief Executive Jeffrey Katzenberg told Reuters couple days ago that DreamWorks will follow the previous agreement; continue to support HD-DVD till the contract expired. Not anymore, The Parent company, Paramount has announced the final list of HD-DVD releases, with no future plan for HD-DVD title after next week releases.


The Studio has pulled previous scheduled to release Bee movie, supposedly the next big HD-DVD release, as well as There will be Blood – starring Oscar-winner Daniel Day-Lewis and Sweeny Todd – Starring Captain Jack Sparrow as mid-19th century serial killer.

The decision will leave Next week's March 4 release of Things We Lost in Fire and Into the Wild as last HD DVD titles released by the studio. See-ya!

[via video business]

