Parallels 2X Hits Raspberry Pi For Remote Desktop Access

Today the folks at Parallels have unveiled Parallels 2X Remote Application Server, the first RDP Client for Raspberry Pi. This system will enable Raspberry Pi users to access windows virtual applications and remote desktops alike. With Parallels 2X RAS, as they also call it, users will have the ability to deliver applications to any device – Chromebooks, Windows PCs, Mac computers, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Linux workstations, HTML5 browsers and of course, strangest and most awesome of all, the device family known as Raspberry Pi.


For those of you wondering what this "2X" business is all about, Parallels acquired 2X Software just this February and are already integrating their awesome abilities into this full software release. With this software, Parallels have enabled Raspberry Pi to use any application remotely.

This system software's ability to access full remote desktops makes the Raspberry Pi into a workstation – beyond its own wildest dreams.

"The Parallels 2X team adapted its well-known client for Linux to maximize performance and user experience for Raspberry Pi," said Giorgio Bonuccelli, Parallels 2X marketing director.

"With more than five million units shipped since its 2012 launch, Raspberry Pi is the new kid on the IT block, but the use of this small and revolutionary device has been limited to Linux and web applications so far."


"Parallels 2X RAS offers the unique opportunity to deliver corporate Windows applications and remote desktops on this low-cost, credit-card-sized computer. The Parallels 2X RAS Client transforms Raspberry Pi into a fully operational workstation, allowing any organization to integrate it into its environment."

A full demonstration trial release will be available immediately if not soon at – we'll be having a look ourselves in the near future, so stay tuned!

