Palm Set to Release First Quarter 2010 Earning Report on September 17

Everyone involved with the Pre, from analysts, to consumers, to even employees of Palm who aren't exactly in the know, have been anxiously waiting to see the results from the Pre's launch back in June. Was it a success? A failure? Did it make a splash at all? And, perhaps most importantly, how did it stack up to the competition? It looks like we might actually have a real shot at finding out, coming up in about two weeks.


Palm has announced that their first quarter fiscal year of 2010 financial results will be revealed at roughly 4PM EST on Thursday, September 17. Shortly there after, at 4:30PM EST, there will be a public conference call where anyone who really desires to can listen in on Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Doug Jefferies discuss the company and its earnings. Details regarding the call can be found here, at Palm's Investor Relations website.

They could discuss a lot of things. Enough things that they might slide around any questions regarding Pre numbers as they've done before, but there's high hope this time around. As consumers, it'd be nice to know how Palm is doing numbers wise, and as for us, we'd like to know how many people around the country are enjoying their gadgets. But, if they talk about sales, someone is likely to ask about return numbers, too. Let's hope Palm is confident enough to cover all the bases.


[via PreCentral]

