OS X Lion Sold Over 1 Million Copies In First Day
Apple proudly announced that its OS X Lion, which was released yesterday, has already sold more than 1 million copies. The major OS revamp retails for $29.99 and is only available by download through the Mac App Store. This means the company raked in just under $30 million on the first day.
The major revamp brings over 250 new features, including multitouch gesture controls, full-screen apps, auto-save, Mission Control, LaunchPad, and much much more. Overall, Lion appears to take a lot of inspiration from the iOS interface, striving to be more lightweight and intuitive.
However, the update also brought some problems as can be expected from a major overhaul. Several Adobe features are reported to have compatibility issues and many third-party apps are scrambling to optimize for Lion. Apple's own iTunes and iWorks also have to be updated to support some of Lion's new features.