Official: Bungie And Microsoft Splitting, Sort Of

Remember that article I wrote the other day about the rumor of Bungie separating from Microsoft? Well its not a rumor anymore, in fact its quite official.

I don't know how much of a split it is, here is an analogy of the situation from my perspective though, it'd be like you telling your parent you were moving out, but you move out, into the room above the garage, technically its out, but your still very, very connected. Really all this has done is made it possible for Bungie to work on other games/platforms if they want to.


Anything that has the word "Halo" in it is still very much a combined effort between Microsoft an Bungie, and Bungie is still going to work closely with Microsoft Game Studios, oh, and a quot from Bungie head honcho Harold Ryan, the team "will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft platforms". So all of you getting your undies in a bunch over the possibility of Bungie games hitting other platforms such as Mac (Bungie's original starting point) and Wii and PS3 don't get your hopes too high, I mean that is more or less why they broke off, but one or two titles a year for platforms other than Microsoft based ones isn't much.

It's official: Bungie breaks free of Microsoft [via AppleInsider]


