Office 365 Home Premium now has Bing Apps for Office

Microsoft has announced that Office 365 Home Premium now has Bing Apps for Office, which integrate Bing-powered apps in the office suite. There are a total of five Bing apps that have been added for Excel and Word, adding a handful of functionality that was previously unavailable. The apps have all been rolled out, and are available now.

The five new apps are comprised of Bing Finance, Maps and Dictionary for Excel, as well as Image Search, News Search, and Dictionary for Word. Going through them one-by-one, Bing Maps pictured above allows Excel users to map data on a visual map, providing such data as location names and tools for navigating within the map, such as zoom and panning. Road view, birds eye view, and map view are all available.

Then there's the Bing Finance app for Excel, which is currently in beta mode. The Finance app aids in generating financial portfolios within Excel, providing real-time financial data, such as stock prices, within the program. There's the Dictionary app for both Word and Excel, which is about what you'd expect in a dictionary. Spellings and definitions are provided.

Finally, there's News search and Image search for Word. News search, like the name suggests, allows one to search for news and videos within a Word document, particularly handy if you're writing a report or research paper. Then there's Image search, which allows for users to find images from within a Word document, then easily embed them in the document via an "insert" button.

[via Bing]