NRA releases assault rifle app after blasting violent video games for Sandy Hook

Last month not long after the Sandy Hook tragedy in which a gunman went on an execution-style killing spree through several kindergarten classrooms with at least one assault rifle, the National Rifle Association held a press conference in which they suggested violent video games were the reason why such an event took place in the USA. That was back on the 21st of December, and this week (actually yesterday) they've released a violent video game by the name of NRA: Practice Range. This game is recommended for users ages 4 and up, supporting safe gun use by way of tips and hints on what to do out on the range if your gun jams.


This app is made for those who wish to fire large guns at targets in a virtual reality range, devoid of non-mechanized life. The NRA also has two other mobile games, one of them called NRA: Varmint Hunter, the other called NRA: Gun Club. This app is not meant to suggest you take your assault rifle and use it for anything other than target practice, while the Varmint Hunter app certainly is.

NOTE: This article is a column, which means in this case that the opinions included are not necessarily shared by the whole of SlashGear or its associated brands.

Of course when NRA executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre spoke back on December 21st (as quoted from GeekoSystem) about violent video games was certainly not meant to apply to their own NRA-branded app releases:


"There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt, and corrupting shadow industry that sells and sows violence against its own people. Through vicious violent video games, with names like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat, and Splatterhouse." – NRA CEO LaPierre

You can download the full collection of NRA gun-firing apps from your favorite app store today. You'll be able to test out your favorite "true-to-life firearms" as they say in-app, and will be able to destroy countless targets with great ease. You'll become a better marksman in no time and you'll be able to compare your high scores to your friends with Game Center integration.

Let us know what you think about this release from the NRA. Are they going against their talk just last month about the evils of violent video games? Are they going the correct route with a video game that promotes the firing of heavy firearms in a safe manner? What do you make of this whole situation?

