NOOK Color Now Limits Sideload To 1GB

If you're planning to get a Barnes & Noble NOOK Color e-reader thinking you can sideload a bunch of music and movies to it, think again. Today, it was discovered that a new version of the NOOK Color is hitting stores that has been partitioned to allow only 1GB of its 5GB storage for sideloaded content.


The guys at Engadget were tipped that the new versions come in boxes with a blue dot on them. Everything remains the same, except for the small demarcation and the fact that the internal storage for is now even more limited. The remaining 4GB of space is said to be allocated for the NOOK library and official NOOK Apps.

Many potential buyers may be turned off by the news, originally drawn to the NOOK Color because of it's ability to act almost like a tablet without the hefty price tag. The NOOK Color supports email, browsing, and third-party apps in addition to its e-reading functionality all for $249.

[via Engadget]

