Nook Color getting access to apps, Flash support, and more in April
I know there are a lot of people out there that like the idea of getting the Android-powered Nook Color eReader and rooting the device to be used as a cheap Android tablet. Rooting the Color gets access to the Android Market and other cool features. The Home Shopping Network has offered up some details about an update due in April that will add some cool new official features.
According to HSN at some point in April a new update will be rolled out to the eReaders automatically that adds in key new features. Along with the update will come the launch of a new Barnes & Noble app store that will allow the Nook Color user to download games like Angry Birds and more.
The update will also bring support for Flash video files and email. The email access will not need a web browser to be used either. Other than Angry Birds, the B&N app store will also have apps like Lonely Planet Phrasebook and Drawing Pad.
[via Andorid Community]