Nintendo Switch eShop Sale: The discounts have started

Being such a relatively young platform, we haven't had the opportunity to see much in the way of discounts on Nintendo Switch games. Today, a couple of games are getting the ball rolling on the countless eShop sales we'll see during the life of the platform. It's not the biggest sale, but then again, there aren't very many games available on the eShop to begin with.


Anyway, let's dive into the deals: there are only two games being discounted in this sale of sorts, I Am Setsuna and Tumbleseed. Though both of these titles are available on other platforms, those who haven't played them may want to try them out on the Switch.

I Am Setsuna is an RPG made by Tokyo RPG Factory and published by Square Enix. This is definitely one for fans of Japanese RPGs, but perhaps not one for players who prefer optimistic stories, as it's set in a land where its perpetually winter and follows the title character as she attempts to sacrifice herself to the gods. If that hasn't turned you off to the game, you can pick it up from the eShop for $26.79, which is 33% off its regular price of $40.


The next game on sale is Tumbleseed, a title that went through something of rough launch because of its harsh difficulty. Challenging roguelike games are nothing new, but a lot of people thought that Tumbleseed was particularly grueling. The good news is that the game was recently updated to tone down the challenge a bit, so if you want to check it out, it's currently 33% off to come in at just $10.

Though these two games aren't the first noteworthy sales on the Switch eShop, this is the first time we've seen multiple discounts offered at once. Hopefully now that I Am Setsuna and Tumbleseed have gone on sale, it'll open the floodgates and we'll see more discounts hit the eShop soon. Are you going to pick up either of these titles? Head down to the comments section and let us know!

