Nintendo Switch 3D printed Joy-Con grip makes play single-handed
One of the features of the Nintendo Switch that makes it so interesting is its unique control scheme. Rather than a traditional controller like we'd see with the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4, the Nintendo Switch uses detachable Joy-Con controllers, which can be used in a number of different configurations. You can, for instance, attach them to both sides of the Switch, use them with the Joy-Con grip, or hold one in each hand. Now, a new 3D printed grip even allows you to use both Joy-Cons in one hand.
As created by one ambitious Switch fan who goes by the name of Vexelius, this grip pulls the two Joy-Con controllers close together and presents them at an angle. The grip seems simple in its design, but that simplicity could allow handicapped people who have lost the use of one hand to still play their Switch games.
In fact, Vexelius writes on Thingiverse that helping a handicapped friend was the driving motivation behind developing this new grip. "This adapter was developed by request of my friend Rami Wehbe, who wanted a way to play Zelda: Breath of the wild using only his left hand; as he lost the ability to control his right hand due to a cerebrovascular accident," Vexelius says.
He points out that the Joy-Con grip, which ships with the console, is not a viable solution to those who can only use one hand for control. After about a week of research and "lots of failed prototypes," Vexelius came up with what you see above. The friend he made it for, Wehbe, posted a video to YouTube explaining his success with the grip, though if you don't speak French you may have a difficult time understanding it.
If you'd like to print this grip and have one for your own use, you can grab the blueprints from Thingiverse. Vexelius is offering the blueprints for his design free of charge, and there's even a second design you can download if you find that the first grip is too large for comfortable single-hand use. Given the flexibility of the Joy-Con controllers, we'll probably see a healthjy do-it-yourself community for grips spring up before long, so keep an eye out for that.