Nintendo Says Live-Action Zelda Rumor Is Based On Wrong Info

Early last month, word surfaced via a source talking to the Wall Street Journal that a live-action Zelda show would be arriving on Netflix, and that it would be a high-quality offering akin to "Game of Thrones", only for kids. Such a rumor set the Internet abuzz, but nothing official about the series has been announced in the weeks since the rumor first surfaced, and now Nintendo has come around to squash our hopes. The company's CEO says that the rumors weren't based on the right info, and though he doesn't blatantly say "it's not happening", it looks less hopeful than anticipated.


The information comes straight from Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, who spoke to the TIME about a number of things, one of which being the live-action Zelda game so many have been talking about. According to TIME, the Wall Street Journal's report from last month isn't accurate, though he didn't say the show is definitely not happening.

Said Iwata:

As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films, but I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information.

Unfortunately, that's not enough info for us to know whether there's definitely not a series coming, but what we have heard isn't right either, and so that leaves us back exactly where we started: happy about the prospect of such a show, but without any hope that it is definitely going to happen.



