Nintendo cancels 3D TV service and Aqua Blue 3DS
When Nintendo first launched the 3DS, a separate 3D TV service was announced for Japan called "Itsu no Ma ni Terebi". The service was launched in June last year and served up short video clips of 3D content to viewers for free. Nintendo has announced that they're planning to cancel the service on June 20th, only a year after it first launched and with a million viewers served.
It's not the end of the world: Nintendo say that users will still be able to download clips through its own service, the Nintendo Video Channel. Clips will still be occasionally offered for free, although it's probably something Nintendo should have exploited more in order to showcase the capabilities of glasses-less 3D. Games can look good on the display, but movies and videos would have made for a compelling argument if they were demoed more.
Nintendo also announced that it's planning to cancel production of the Aqua Blue 3DS. It was one of the first colors to be made available for the 3DS at launch, including black. Nintendo didn't say exactly when production will cease, only that it will end "shortly". The company recently introduced a new purple version in America, which joins the black, red, and pink versions.