Nikon Price Raises hit US

As you've probably aware, due to plunging of the major currencies against raising yen, Nikon has begun to implement a price raise to most of its Digital SLR optics, globally. First country to confirm new pricing came from our friendly neighbor to the North, then the UK, Australia and is now taking its toll in US major retailers.


An official announcement of the US prices adjustment was never revealed to consumers, but was shortly reported by camera vendors and Nikon Guru Thom Hogan with manufacturer's plan to change in pricing term coming in the beginning of February. Camera bodies and bundle kits are said to hold its current pricings, only DLSR lens pricings are going up. As advertised, new prices are set in on number of camera lens, as much as 10-15% increases are being shown major online retailers such as B&H.

Nikon is not the only one that's raising camera price, other camera and optical lens makers such as Sigma and Canon in Europe regions have announced similar pricing scheme to battle the currency fluctuations. An advice for Canon's shooter, it's time to practice your L-fever, store 'em used L-lens up.


