New York AG Kicks Thousands Of Sex Offenders Off Online Games
With cooperation from Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Warner Bros, and Disney Interactive, New York's top prosecutor has been successful in banning online gaming accounts of more than 3,500 registered sex offenders. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said the crack-down, known as "Operation Game Over," was a success. It was the first sting operation of its kind, and it could be the first of many.
Schneiderman said, "We must ensure online videogame systems do not become a digital playground for dangerous predators. That means doing everything possible to block sex offenders from using gaming networks as a vehicle to prey on underage victims." Schneiderman and his team worked with the game companies mentioned above to link the sex offenders to their Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and online role-playing game accounts, and blocked a total of 3,580 accounts from being able to connect to other gamers online.
The Attorney General thanked the companies for their cooperation. He called it a first-of-its-kind initiative for online safety. The so-called dangers of online gaming are highlighted every few months, like clockwork, on the morning "news" shows and various other places where people can spread fear. Nevertheless, if one incident arises from online gaming when it could have been prevented as with Operation Game Over, is one too many.
[via AFP]