New Xbox update will break unauthorized storage devices

Word of new updates for game consoles like the Xbox 360 from Microsoft are usually happy times for gamers who look forward to bug fixes and new features. When updates are release simply to stop the ability of gamers to use third-party accessories, they can be a bummer. Case in point is a new update coming down the pipe for the Xbox 360 that will stop the use of unauthorized storage devices.Major Nelson reports that Preview Program members will start receiving the new update next week and if they are using unauthorized third-party storage devices, they need to move data to the Xbox's internal HDD or an authorized card. The Memory Units will cease to function meaning any data on them will not be accessible after the update.


This sounds like a way for Microsoft to lure more gamers into buying overprice storage devices to many gamers. One commenter wrote, "Ooh dear, Datel and their customers aren't going to like that very much. Maybe if Microsoft released larger storage options at prices that weren't completely ridiculous then customers may not seek alternatives."

