New Final Fantasy Title Coming To The Wii

I love my  Final Fantasy games. I would have to say that Final Fantasy VII is one of the best video games of all time. There are certainly other good games out there, however, few can measure up in my opinion. For a long time Final Fantasy has been restricted to the PlayStation, however, recently games have been cropping up on the Nintendo DS. According to a recent announcement by Nintendo, the franchise will finally be making a return to Nintendo's (non-mobile) gaming platform.


The new title which will be a Wii Ware exclusive has one hell of a name. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Small King and the Promised Country. Seriously, can you really have two colons in a title? My high school English teacher would have thrown a fit, I'm sure.

The new title looks as though it will be more of a strategy game than the traditional RP that we expect from the Final Fantasy series. The game will be out in Japan sometime in March, no word on when we'll see it here in the states.

New Final Fantasy Game Announced For Wii [via kotaku]

