New Details On Twilight Princess!

Nintendo, being the loving megacorporation that it is, has graced us with some new details regarding The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. While a couple of initial reviews of the game have been less than stellar, both Gamecube and Wii owners (this we knew) will be able to enjoy the 70+ hours the game offers. Also (amusingly), the Wii's version of the game features a first-ever right-handed Link, while the GC version will feature Link in his left-handed glory. Finally, there aren't a ton of other differences between the two versions; the Wii's version supports 16:9 widescreen and Wiimote functionality, along with some very minor graphical cleanups. If you're a GC user, you'll need to wait until December 11th to take Link for a spin. but users lucky enough to grab a Wii will be able to get the new Zelda at launch. Get your consoles ready!


[via GamePro]

