Netflix rolls out Post-Play feature for Chromecast

Netflix is making a rather small update to its mobile app that adds a feature promised last June. Now those with Chromecast dongles on supported devices, yes that means both Android and iOS, can now take advantage of the almost continuous binge watching feature that is Post-Play, right from their smartphone to their TV.


Launched back in 2012, Netflix's Post-Play feature gives into one of the newest couch potato pastimes in the US called binge watching, or watching one TV show after another, usually successive episodes of the same series. For those not familiar with the feature, Post-Play will put a preview of the next episode in the bottom of the screen, with an option to immediately play that episode or let it time out, which will then automatically start that clip.

Last June, Netflix made that feature available on Android devices with a promise that support for Google's streaming HDMI dongle will be coming soon. Three months later, the feature has finally landed. As Chromecast isn't hard wired to support only Android smartphones and tablets, Post-Play's new capabilities are also not chained down to Google's mobile platform. Even users on iOS will be able to be use this feature on their iPhone or iPad. That said, while the update to the Google Play Store version is already available, the new iOS app is still nowhere to be found.


The update also tweaks the Post-Play timeout a bit. Instead of 15 seconds, there are now 30 seconds given for users to go for a break, a refill, or just reach for their smartphone, since they might be using it for Chromecasting.

What's next for Post-Play? Aside from waiting for the iOS update to arrive, Netflix is promising that PC support for Post-Play plus Chromecast will be coming soon, so those that own the dongle but not any Android or iOS device need not feel left out of all the binging fun.

SOURCE: Netflix

