Nanocoating Inspired by Moths Could Reduce Glare and Scratching on Glass

While we love our AMOLED displays, we hate using them in direct sunlight. It's way too frustrating, because everything on the screen gets washed out, and we can no longer see what we're doing without tilting it all crazy-like, making people stare at us. So, consider us pretty happy that some scientists across the pond have created a new nanocoating that could get rid of our troubles for good.


Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg, Germany, have come together to create a new nanocoating that would go right atop our glass items, like the screen of our phones or the dashboard of our cars, and made it so that reflection and glare is nonexistent. Additionally, the nanocating makes it a lot harder for the glass to get scratched, which should make a lot of people out there happy with those touchscreen devices.

While oleophobic coating is being used right now, for devices like the iPhone, we're always looking for the latest and greatest. Especially when you look at the inspiration. According to the brains behind the new coating, moths were the reason they did what they did. Apparently the little insect's eyes are naturally non-reflective, which is the inspiration behind their new nanocoating. No word on when it could be released, but we'll hope it's soon for all of us.


[via Gizmag]

