Mozilla Announces Firefox OS App Workshops

Mozilla is planning on jumpstarting development for its Firefox OS marketplace. It is hosting three app workshops in the next few months. The first app workshop will take place in Madrid, Spain on April 20th. The second will take place in Bogota, Colombia on May 18th, and the final workshop will take place in Warsaw, Poland on June 1st. There will be more workshops announced at a later date.


Mozilla is looking for app developers who are experienced in developing with HTML5 and JavaScript. While applying for the event, you will need to show some references to your experience with building web apps. They are mainly seeking applicants who have successfully built apps on Chrome, WebOS, or Blackberry WebWorks, or any "open web app" for mobile devices and PCs. They are also looking for developers who are able to develop apps in Spanish, Polish, or Portuguese.

Mozilla will provide the food and drinks at these workshops, as well as some Firefox goodies. Developers will also be able to get their hands on Mozilla's Firefox OS Developer Preview phones. There will also be Firefox OS developers there to help you along the way. At these workshops, you are able to develop a new app for the Firefox OS, or port any of your existing apps to the mobile operating system.


The Firefox OS devices are set to launch this summer to over 18 operators all around the world. Several phone manufacturers, including LG, ZTE, Huawei, Sony, and Alcatel, are already in support for the upcoming operating system. Mozilla already has a good selection of popular apps available for the OS, including Facebook, Twitter, Pulse News, and more. With these workshops, it hopes to be able to launch with a decent selection of apps in order to appeal to the masses.

[via Mozilla]

