Motorola Forum Admin Says DROID 2.1 Update Inbound, Then Says Never Mind
There are lots of employees out there at the big companies that we all know and love that design and build the gadgets we use each day who find it a bit hard to keep secretes secrets and all. On more than one occasion an over exuberant employee at a big tech firm has posted to Twitter, Facebook, or a company blog with details of a new product before the cat was supposed to be out of the bag.
Such was the case yesterday when someone over at Motorola posted to the user forms that update 2.1 for the DROID was coming this week. The original post had the official notes on the update and everything. I am sure there were some excited DROID users out there who were bummed out when shortly after the original post, the details were removed.
The forums manager posting as Matt deleted the release notes and simply said the details were posted prematurely for public view and had been removed. However, there are reports floating around that the update will still land this week, so it could be that the forum post was simply a bit early and the update might still hit this week.