Motion-Sensing Unit Coming To The Xbox 360
Poor Xbox 360 owners, you don't get to have the same motion-sensing fun as those that own a Wii or even a PS3. But if you don't fear the use of a soldering iron, you too can play games by twisting and tilting your controller., it's not the still-unreleased Xilt, but rather the Bestilt 360 from Total Console. Apparently all you need to do is solder the unit to the bottom of your controller, flip a switch and go nuts.From the looks of the video, there is a little bit of a lag between the time of the tilt and the reaction of the game, so it may take some time to get used to. You can pre-order one now for $37.99, and they will start shipping on May 14.Bestilt 360: Motion Sensing for Xbox 360 Now Ready to Rock, Roll, Pitch and Yaw [via gizmodo]