More Frilly Girl Stuff - Pink Car Kit

Alright, I have shown plenty of girly products since staring here at Slashgear, however, this one is so girly it creeps even me out. It is a pink car kit, which is great because it does motivate some girls to be smart and carry the things you should in your car. I just can't quite get on board with this one; first of all it has a teeny tiny ice scraper. I personally drive a full size pickup; I would have to climb onto the truck to clear the windshield with that thing. I already do to clean it at the gas station, which gets me some funny looks. Now I know not a lot of girls drive trucks, they do however, drive SUV's.


Some of this stuff most girls carry in their purse anyway, like a pen and something to write on, and when we don't have paper to write on we can be pretty creative. Maybe it is just the picture, but it looks like it is all very cheaply made as well. Personally, my advice would be to Google "emergency car kit", and find a real one. That isn't pink.

This car kit does have some useful things that are great for your safety like a glorified flash light, a break out hammer with an attached safety blade to cut your seatbelt, an emergency cell charger, jumper cables, and disposable hygienic gloves. It also has the extra things like a pink air freshener, the nifty little case, and the miniature ice scraper. This whole kit goes for £24.99, which is about the same price you would pay for a car kit that comes with the more of the practical items you would actually need in an emergency.


Pink car kit [via techie diva]

