Monument Valley 2 finally lands on Android next month

The original Monument Valley was one of those mobile games that stands out in a sea of free-to-play cash grabs. It was a game that showed us just how great smartphones and tablets can be as a gaming platform, so it's no surprise that it managed to net itself a sizable fanbase. For the past four-and-a-half months, a portion of that fanbase has been waiting for its follow-up – Monument Valley 2 – to arrive on their platform of choice.Monument Valley 2 has been available on iOS since June 5, and all the while, Android users have had to sit by and wait for a release date for their platform. That wait probably wasn't helped by the fact that Monument Valley 2 has received mostly positive reviews since its launch, deeming it a worthy successor to the original. Luckily, we now know when those Android players will get their shot at Monument Valley 2.

Ustwo Games, the developers of Monument Valley 2, announced today that it will be available on Android on November 6. That puts its Android release almost five months to the day after its iOS debut. The company made the announcement on Twitter, where it also shared a new trailer for the game.

Today's Twitter announcement doesn't make any mention of pricing for the Android version. The original game has a price of $3.99 on the Google Play Store, and the iOS version of Monument Valley 2 costs $4.99. With those two prices in mind, we can likely expect a price around $5 for Monument Valley 2 on Android.

Here's hoping that the Android users who have been clamoring for this release will actually commit to paying for it this time around. We'll keep our eyes peeled for any new details on Android pricing, but for now, head down to comments section and let us know if you're planning to pick it up on Android next month!