Modders Heck And Sawyer Team To Create Synced Game Controllers
Ben Heck is one of those guys that is always modding something to work in ways it was never meant to. The latest project from The Ben Heck Show had Heck teaming with with another Ben – Ben Sawyer. The duo worked on a cool new controller system for the Games for Health Project that will allow parent-child interaction within a game. The controllers take multiple players to a new level by allowing two controllers to share input at one time on games.
The latest episode of the show goes into how the game share controller was constructed. The key components of the controller are looked at and include two Xbox 360 controllers, a dance pad, and a slam bar. The two modders got everything for the controllers ready to work in sync and the PCB accessory controller was mocked up as well. That PCB is the key component to allow kids to play alongside parents.
"It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with Ben Sawyer again," said Ben Heck. "I always enjoy bouncing ideas off him, because he's so innovative in the video game world. With his experience and my 'Bengineering' skills, we were able to build some great components that contribute to an awesome cause." I would like to see this system in action in person, it looks interesting.
[via Element14]