MLB's Bob Bowman Cites Diminished Returns For Limited Android Support On MLB App

MLB has one of the highest grossing apps on the App Store for iPhone users. AllThingsD sat down and talked with Bob Bowman, the dude at MLB in charge of Advanced Media including the apps that baseball fans around the country use to follow their favorite teams and games. As it stands the MLB app only supports 11 Android devices, up from six devices at launch.


Bowman was asked if he ever considered not supporting Android devices at all with the MLB app, to which he replied no. He does note that support for all Android phones will not be offered because of diminishing returns. Bowman notes that Android users are less likely to purchase and make for a different ROI than Apple device users.

Bowman also says that Android smartphones are great devices, but that if the user wants "...first rate digital content on a device, your first look will probably be an iPhone. And on the tablet, an iPad." Bowman does state that the Blackberry PlayBook will be supported this season.

[via Android Community]

