MLB clarifies, Apple Watch is ok in the dugouts

Following yesterday's news about Major League Baseball banning the Apple Watch in the dugouts after a team manager was recently spotted wearing one during a game, the sports league has clarified that the smartwatch is allowed, as long as it's not used for communication alongside a smartphone. The issue came up after Kansas City Royals manager Ned Yost was questioned by the MLB after wearing an Apple Watch during games. A local newspaper reporter also highlighted the fact that is the MLB that gifted the wearable to Yost.


Electronic devices like smartphones have long been banned in the dugouts during MLB games, and the league confirms that the rule still stands. It was because of this rule that Yost's Apple Watch was brought up, with the idea being that it's an extension for a phone.

The story began when Kansas City Star reporter Andy McCullough tweeted about the MLB contacting Yost. The manager reportedly told them that his phone was not with him during games, and therefore it couldn't be used for communication purposes. "When you're away from your phone, all it is is a watch," Yost explained.

In one of his tweets, McCullough mentioned that it seemed unfair, as the MLB gave Yost the Watch as a gift after he was a manager for last month's All Star Game. Now that everything's been clarified, we know the MLB was simply confirming with Yost about the use of the Watch, and that coaches and team personnel are free to wear one during games, as long the phone remains behind.


VIA Apple Insider

