Minecraft Pokemon FireRed is all sorts of awesome and insane

We've seen all sorts of sometimes near-impossible feats of creativity produced inside the blocky world of Minecraft. The fact that the virtual world doesn't provide you with all the tools and sophisticated machinery to make those things only makes the feat even more impressive. We've seen replicas of low bit computers and even a working cellphone (with video chat even!). But none of those, perhaps, match the insanity of implementing the GameBoy Advance Pokemon Fire Red game inside Minecraft, like what Redditor Requag and company have accomplished. It's gameception, Minecraft style!

Of course, any such machine would have to be replicated to epic sizes compared to the real world thing, considering that everything, including almost every pixel, has to be re-created from Minecraft blocks. Building the structure alone is already a painstaking process. Adding in moving parts, interaction, and a display that so closely mimics the real thing is almost unimaginable. Newer Minecraft features like Structure Blocks, mostly used for map making, do help but there's still a lot of labor involved, most of them manual.

And as if it weren't torture enough to build a sort of GBA emulator, they naturally had to add in a level editor. So that, you know, you could build your dream Pokemon game.

The one very small flaw in this Minecraft wonder is that it actually doesn't play like the real thing, a natural limitation imposed by the Minecraft world. Still, it's a feat well-deserving of accolades and probably some rather incredulous stares.

VIA: Polygon