Microsoft's New Xbox 360 Features Red Dot of Warning
We're hoping, beyond all our hopes and dreams, that RDoW is the new thing that gets passed around. You know, after RRoD (Red Ring of Death), which was so prevalent for the original Xbox 360 back in the day. (As if it was all that long ago.) What's the Red Dot of Warning, you ask? Well, if you'll recall, we told you last week that the new Xbox 360 doesn't feature the RRod anymore. So, as anyone would be, we were curious as to how we would be warned if our system was breaking down, or overheating, in any way. Looks like Microsoft's thought of everything.
Instead of just flashing the red ring this time around, in which case it's usually already too late for you to save your beloved 360, this time around, Microsoft's got an early warning detection system, of sorts. That picture you see does indeed show a red dot, but what's it mean? In this new, slimmer version of the video game console from Redmond, it's designed to let you know that you're system has poor ventilation. That's right, your system will now let you know you've shoved it too close to all your other gadgets, and it doesn't have room to breathe.
If it doesn't have that needed room to breathe, your console will overheat. When that happens, well, we can pretty much say that's history at this point. "The Xbox 360 is shutting down to protect the console from insufficient ventilation. You can turn the console back on after the power light stops flashing." Obviously, Microsoft believes it can't be left up to the masses to take care of their new toy, so they've designed the box itself to do it. Good call, Microsoft. We love when our gadgets do things on their own.
[via NeoGAF]