Microsoft Flight Confirmed For February 29, 2012

The release date for one of the most widely anticipated manufacturer-made video games in quite a while has been dropped: Microsoft Flight will be released on February 29th. This video game has you rolling through a wide variety of environments in a lovely aircraft that you'll have full control over, and this release will be set by Microsoft herself. This news comes straight from the lions mouth: Xbox team member Larry Hryb, aka @MajorNelson.


When you download this game, you'll find that in its completely free form, you'll be given Hawaii as a map to fly around in. When you're connected with Games for Windows Live, you get extra features. You can also get extra features by downloading them via Microsoft's online store, this falling right in line with our most awesome futuristic gaming model born of this mobile revolution we're in: free to play and in-game upgrade. Freemium is another name for this model, and Microsoft will be more than willing to tease you with the most awesome flying around with a promise of more on the way.

So clear the end of your February calendar out because you'll be doing two things: first, playing Microsoft Flight, then second: following SlashGear's Mobile World Congress 2012 coverage. You know you'll love both, they're both free! Have a peek above at a trailer for the newest installment in what's up until now been called Flight Simulator X, then head to our portal for the rest. You can follow us all through Spain while you're flying in Hawaii via our tag [MWC 2012] – seeya then!


[via Major Nelson]

