Microsoft Can, And Will, Directly Push Monthly Lumia 950 Updates

One of the concerns that surfaced when Android was beset with the Stagefright security vulnerability scare was how fast can platform makers push out critical security fixes to users. Apple has practically no problem since it exercises tight control over updates. Android, in complete contrast, is a mess. It seems that Windows 10 Mobile might this time be better off than Google's mobile OS, with AT&T revealing that Microsoft indeed has the power to push updates to Lumia 950 owners, bypassing the carrier's certification process entirely.


The main problem with pushing out updates is the rather lengthy process of going through various stages of certification an update has to pass through, depending on where the device comes from. A Google Nexus device can receive updates directly from Google the same way iPhones do but an Android update for a Samsung Galaxy smartphone must go through Samsung first and then a carrier when one is involved.

Microsoft's Lumia smartphones are in sort of a middle ground. Microsoft is both device manufacturer and platform maker but also sells devices through and customized by carriers. Normally, it follows the same route as Android smartphones but with Microsoft pushing the theme of "Windows as a Service", the landscape is changing a bit.


According to a post from an AT&T employee, Microsoft will be pushing those "WaaS" updates to the Lumia 950 on a monthly cycle, almost like its previous regularly scheduled Windows patch day. The more interesting part of this remark is how those updates do not pass through AT&T's certification process. On the one hand, the carrier is basically washing its hands of any responsibility in case those updates wreck havoc on those smartphones. On the other hand, it does mean that Microsoft will be able to push out critical updates in a timely manner.

That said, it does specifically mention the Lumia 950 only. While we can assume the same to be true for the Lumia 950 XL, perhaps the same cannot be said of other Windows 10 Mobile devices. Microsoft seems to still be taking baby steps with its new mobile focus, so hopefully this is just the beginning of a more positive trend.

VIA: WMPowerUser

