Massive Jedi Star Wars Flash-Mob Promotes SW:TOR In Times Square

There's nothing quite like a flashmob these days, ladies and gentlemen, and when it comes to massive displays of unequivicle awesomeness, there's no better way to display it than with a bunch of lightsabers: thus the combination has been made to celebrate the start of the multiplayer online game Star Wars: The Old Republic. This particular flash mob took place at night in Times Square in New York, and you simply must watch the majority of the video to get the full effect. How people standing still while epic music plays can have such an effect, I'll never know.


You're about to see one whole heck of a lot of movie-quality Old Republic warriors standing around in the center of one of the busiest walkable intersections on earth, and that's not the best part. After the heros and villains come out, there's also a hoard of fans of the genre participating in the fun as well. So many blue and red lightsabers you won't know what to do with yourself!

You can join the fun online now after weeks and months and even years of waiting. Unlike those frozen here in the walk, you've got no freezing to be doing – sign up and sign on right this minute for infinite fun over your holiday weekend and beyond. And don't forget to pick a Green lightsaber: they're clearly superior.


[via GeekOSystem]

