Manure spreader shows off muscle by pulverizing Geo Metro

When it comes to crushing cars, mechanical manure spreaders probably aren't the first thing that pops into your mind. Still, at least one of them exists with the horsepower needed to chipper a car into tiny shiny chunks of metal, and, of course, the entire ordeal was recorded for all to enjoy.


The beast in question is the Artex CB1200 manure spreader, a giant piece of farming equipment that could come in handy if you ever have a car or two to dispose of. To demonstrate how powerful the blades on the rear are, a little Geo Metro was hoisted into the back and given a little nudge.

Visually showing off its claim of "toughest spreader on earth", the Artex sucked the Geo Metro in and began shredding it without effort, rendering most of it into small flecks of metal. Check out the video above to see it for yourself!

VIA: Car Throttle

