Magic The Gathering MTG Zendikar Rising card previews start here
This week the folks at Wizards of the Coast have unveiled their full collection of reveal locations for previews of Zendikar Rising! In addition to live streams, users will be able to drop in on the Card Image Gallery and "Variant Card Image Gallery" if they do so dare. This set is ready to roll with previews of cards and new sorts of gameplay starting on the first of September, 2020, going through September 9!
Starting on September 1, 2020, we'll see Magic: The Gathering previews for the next major set via Twitch. The stream will begin in full starting at 8AM PT (08:00) on Imagery of new cards will appear with Arin from Game Grumps on YouTube, CalebDMTG, and DailyMTG.
You'll also be able to see cards on September 1, 2020, with Day9, Eli Kassis, and EmmaSkyeward (on Twitter). This same day-1 reveal will include Lucas Esper Berthoud, the official Making Magic blog, and with sources like Matt Sperling and Renzo Arna.
Starting on September 2, Wizards of the Coast revealed that a wider variety of sources will deliver Magic The Gathering card previews for the new set. The big list includes @MTGArenaJP, 3GordosB, Ashlizzlle, Blue_Robot, Cedric Phillips, Crunchyroll, DailyMTG, Dhalucard, Eilidh Lonie, Eric Froehlich, and GabySpartz. You'll also be able to tune in to Good Morning Magic, IGN, Javier Dominguez, and Jean-Emmanuel Depraz.
The September 2 list continues with Le Figaro, Luis Salvatto, and Magic Mics. You could also drop in on Masak, Mike Sigrist, The Wandering Bard, TheAsianAvenger, Theo Moutier, Us MTG Brasil, VGTime, or William Jensen.
From there, the list expands! Take a peek over at WotC for a full list. Or you can just stick around SlashGear for an ever-expanding list of cards, right here! The card gallery will begin at 8AM Pacific Time (10AM Central Time, 11AM Eastern Time), and you'll find every card on which you'll dare to drop your eyes right here!