Mad DIYer turns Furby choir into singing electric organ

Furby toys were an unholy union of fake fur, poor animatronics, and annoying voices, but they aren't extinct yet. You don't have to look too hard to find someone with an old Furby in a box somewhere, and it's pretty easy to find them online. Now one crazy DIYer has introduced us to a bizarre reality in which Furbies aren't just fake pets that sit on a shelf — they're a full choir and a new type of instrument playing the soundtrack for your nightmares.


The creation was published on YouTube by YouTuber "LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER," which refers to the instrument as a "Furby Organ." This is a musical instrument composed of many Furbies, all of them arranged together like a choir and modified to obey their master's (musical) wishes.

The genius behind the creation says the project took years, assuming you count all the time spent thinking about it and sketching the concept. The final product's design isn't quite as traditional as his concept image, but what it lacks in style it makes up in terror and utter bizarreness.

The Furby Organ is made using 44 "free range" Furbies of all colors and styles. Whereas Furbies ordinarily respond to motion with blinking, mouth movements, and obnoxious sounds, these Furbies snap to attention when the music starts, opening their mouths to play specific sounds. This is thanks to the formant Furby fusion synthesis brain modification surgery procedure, you see.


Viewers are given a look at the wiring inside of the organ tying the Furbies into the system, as well as the process of opening up the Furbies and modifying them. The Furbies can sing and talk when the organ isn't playing; they go to sleep when the "awakening" switch isn't turned on. The operator can change the vowel and vowel note, changing the sound of the organ and the resulting music.

