Mad Catz Unveils New Major League Gaming Fightstick For Consoles

Mad Catz has been pushing controllers for console and PC gamers for a very long time now. The company is back with its latest video game controllers branded to support the Major League Gaming association. The controllers are called the MLG Tournament Edition Fightstick. The new controllers are approved by the MLG and has MLG associated artwork.


The controller uses old-school arcade quality components that are sourced from a Japanese arcade game maker Sanwa. The controller uses a Japanese-style ball handled joystick set up with buttons in an arcade cabinet configuration. The controllers are offered for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The Fightstick has eight buttons that have multispeed and turbo functionality.

The controller also has a lock/unlock switch that prevents accidental button presses to prevent the accidental hitting of the home button. The controller has a 13-foot long USB cable and a switch that allows the controller joystick to be used as a right or left analog stick or d-pad. The controllers are available now for $159.99.

