Macworld 2010 Moves To February

Macworld has been held in January for years now but next year it's getting a slight schedule shift. In fact, IDG, the organizers of Macworld have opted to hold the Expo between February 9-13, 2010. Sure, this isn't earth-shattering news, but it's most definitely a change.


Apparently, exhibitors complained that holding the event in January never allowed ample enough time to prepare demonstrations and the like. IDG has responded and the event has been moved ahead one month.

But the timing of the Expo won't be the only change. Macworld 2009 was Apple's last appearance at the event, which means a change in focus will be in order. Apparently, the the focus will now be placed on Mac users themselves and the community that surrounds Apple products. The event will be smaller but will likely offer more opportunities for users and developers to meet and discuss the latest product innovations. Sounds like fun! And hey, you can register to attend right now.

