MacBook Air Reviewed, By Other People
Apparently we haven't made it far enough into the big time to get pre-release review units of Apple products, but USA Today, Newsweek, and the WSJ have, and Gizmodo was kind enough to summarize them all for us. So, what are the biggest complaints? What are the biggest pluses?
Really the only pluses were the keyboard, screen, and the thinness of the notebook, everything else was negative. The biggest negative is the battery life estimation by Apple was apparently way off with the least difference in the advertised battery life and actual battery life being an hour and 36 minutes short.
One of the reviewers said that the processor and other components were fairly speedy, but video editing was more or less out of the question meanwhile another said that there was no way this could be a Mac user's only computer, it would just have to be the one they take with them when they are traveling a lot. Lastly, some of you have been trash talking about how we shouldn't make the irreplaceable components a battery such a big deal, well, Mr. Mossberg, Mr. Levy, and Mr. Baig all agree with us that, that's pretty much a crap deal.
[via gizmodo]