M-Audio Session Music Producer - Perfect For Aspiring Musicians

I doubt that there is anyone in the US that hasn't watched at least one episode of American Idol. I'm not a fan of the show, but you should check out the ones at the beginning of the season where they hold auditions. If you would just watch that, you would understand that theres a really good chance that you can't carry a tune. However, if you insist that your voice should be heard by others, you'll probably need a way to record it. This new mic from M-Audio is the perfect way to do it.


I come from a family of musicians, so I've seen the kind of gear it takes to record professional audio. Trust me, if you're just starting out, you don't want to go that route. The Session Music Producer is the best solution I've seen for aspiring artists to easily record their audio tracks. You don't need a fancy mixer board to run it through, nor do you need a superior sound card. Just plug it into an available USB port and you're ready to go.

Along with the mic you will find a stand, USB cable and a bag to carry it in. You'll also get some software that will let you mix tracks with the included 2GB of loops that are included. You'll be able to record up to two audio tracks and one instrument track simultaneously.


One of my favorite features is the headphone jack that is on the mic. This way you can listen to your voice as it is recorded, without latency. If you've ever done any recording, you'll find that this is invaluable. The Session Music Producer System goes on sale this month for $99.

