Loki In Avengers Age Of Ultron: Now You See Him, Now You Don't

You'll have to wait until the DVD/Blu-ray release to see Loki in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Scenes were filmed, we've found out this week, but in the end, they had to be cut. According to director Joss Whedon, "we did shoot something, but it didn't play." Sometimes you just have too many characters in a movie, apparently. Too many plots and too many pieces of action. Too much plot, and too much madness. Peter Jackson, meanwhile, was unavailable for comment on the situation.


"The movie has so much," said Whedon, "it's so filled. We didn't want it to feel overstuffed." According to early reviews, there's enough plot in Avengers: Age of Ultron to choke a mule. More characters than Mrs. Wayans has kids.

"I really wanted to have Loki in it, but I understood the decision that there were now too many voices in the chorus," said Whedon. "At some point the embarrassment of riches is actually embarrassing."

Rumor suggests the original cut of the film was over 3 hours long. Have a peek at one of the key trailers here:

What they'll end up doing during X-Men: Apocalypse, we'll be interested to see. Of course the worlds won't cross, and the same rules don't necessarily apply.

But can you imagine the Secret Wars? How about the Infinity War?


So many characters, so much Spider-Man!

Above you'll see the clip from whens this news came. This is Joss Whedon speaking with MTV News.

