Lighted Compact for those quick touch-ups

It would seem most girls I know that have that girly streak have some kind of mirror with them. It's usually some kind of compact that makes you look deformed because it has so much gunk on it. I personally don't have one in my purse but I have considered it, and this product might make me think even harder about it. This compact has LED lights so you can touchup even in the strangest of situations.


I know some guys and girls too don't get why we bother with it, but we enjoy wearing cute lipstick. Hey, I'm sure you have just as many habits that baffle the general public. No, I don't think you should obsessively look into the mirror every time you get a free moment, but it is nice for a quick fix.

The compact has 4 ultra-bright white LEDs and is powered by CR1220 batteries. The chrome finish might actually give some of us the desire to clean it every so often when it starts looking dingy. I'm not sure how many situations you would need the lights for but it's nice to know that they are there. Luckily they don't come at a hefty price either; they are going for about $14.95.

Make-up Mirror With LED Lights [via uber review]


