Lian Li launches PC-CK101 train case for PCs
Back during Computex, PC case maker Lian Li was showing off an odd little computer case it crafted from aluminum that looked like a train. The case did more than simply look like a train though, it also moved on its little track. Lian Li has now announced the official launch of its train-themed case called the PC-CK101.
This is a strange theme to me, but if you happen to be a train loving computer enthusiast, you might be in full rigor about now. The train case is made from aluminum and supports mini-ITX motherboards. The case is small but has space for up to three 2.5-inch hard drives.
The computer gets power from a 300 W 80 Plus certified SFX power supply that is included with the case. The case also has a pair of USB 3.0 ports hidden on one side and comes in two versions. The difference between the two versions is that one moves and one is stationary.
The PC-CK101 Standard is the stationary version and will sell for $229. The PC-CK101 Premium is the moving version and will sell for $379. Both versions of the case will be available in the US and Canada at the end of September. If you're wondering what a moving train computer case looks like, check out the video below.