LG TVs To Bring True Black Aurora Borealis To Iceland

This week the folks at LG have revealed a concert that'll take place in Iceland. There the band Of Monsters and Men will be playing a set where, behind them, massive LG displays will be showing captured visions of the Aurora Borealis. Color on black, light shining through the displays just as the Aurora shines through the blackness of the sky. This event will be taking place on the 20th of July in Reykjavik, Iceland.


First have a peek at this video spot to see what this situation is all about. LG saw an opportunity in the night sky above Iceland, and teamed up with the folks at Unbox Therapy to make this translation of vision to screen a reality.

You may end up seeing this event – and the subsequent exhibition of photos shown on LG 4K OLED panels – called Perfect Black Reveals Perfect Nature.

Below you'll see another video from LG, this time concentrating a bit more on the capture of this event's visuals.

This display of lights and music was also inspired by Andri Snaer Magnson, an Icelanding writer who made a proposal to Reykjavik to turn off all of the city's lights at once to view the Aurora Borealis in its natural state for one night.


Said Magnson of the event which occurred all the way back in 2006, "[It was amazing,] seeing the total black and the real colours of the twinkling stars and all these small tiny, but important things you get when you turn off the lights and get true blackness."

Blackness to see the night sky. Something you're not going to get basically anywhere in the world without a major event like what this city had in 2006. And on accident back whenever Magnson suggests the lights went out for him when he was a child.

Above you'll see the concert hall where this event is set to take place.

Head to LG if you live in Iceland and would like more information about the event.

