LEGO Mario And Luigi Sets Expand Digital Crossover With TikTok-Like Dance

Today we're taking a peek at a couple of new releases from LEGO in the Super Mario Bros universe. Nintendo and LEGO made a new sort of game-like adventure toy with LEGO Mario called LEGO Super Mario Adventures. It goes beyond simple building with LEGO bricks, and it takes the Mario universe to a place it's never really been before. Also they have digital eyes!


First take a peek at the LEGO Super Mario Adventures with Luigi Starter Course. If you've never seen a LEGO Super Mario Adventures set before, this video should be a good place to see how the whole ecosystem works. You start with a Mario or a Luigi, build a course, and run through that course – it is weird and excellent.

Next you'll see how LEGO Super Mario can be played as a 2-player adventure. This video doubles as a sort of entertainment vehicle in and of itself, attempting to appeal to youth viewers on YouTube Kids (as it is approved for YouTube Kids) and viewers on TikTok. The two dancers in the video make the case that you could go ahead and run through a Mario Bros course in a choreographed, full body movement manner, if you did so wish.


This video also features a nonplussed dog, who has had enough shenanigans. It also features a dad-like character with a coffee mug. He sees the dancers dancing on the wall and glances as his mug, clearly wondering if he's had too much of whatever he was drinking.

The LEGO Luigi set will cost you around $60 USD. The LEGO Mario universe is quite diverse, despite the fact that it's only really started taking off in the last few years. You can pay $100 for a Bowser's Airship Expansion set, get a Guarded Fortress Expansion Set for around $50, or jump in to this universe with Mario Character Packs for around $5 each.

