Lego Keyboard Stickers For Mac Makes You Keyboard Geeky And Comfortable

If you read SlashGear you know we are, suckers for stuff made from Lego building blocks. One of my favorite Lego gadgets was the robot that could solve the Rubik's Cube using a Motorola Droid. I have also seen some geeks take Lego blocks and use them for keys on their keyboard, but that would be uncomfortable.


A decal set has turned up over on Etsy from a vendor called openandclose. The sticker set was specifically for a MacBook notebook and the stickers were printed to look like Lego blocks with the labels on them for the keyboard.

The label set was made using special material called Avery MPI. This is a cool way to get that geeky Lego style keyboard look without sacrificing usability. Apparently, there was only one set of these available, but perhaps you could talk the seller into offering more.

